week 9

Week 9

Throughout the Odyssey, I was surprised by the culture of Greek during that time. I realized that there are huge different role of women and men are shown during that time, I believe that women were considered inferior and men are consider superior. In Odyssey women job is to looker after family like Penelope,  while her husband Odysseus duty is to going for war.Besides Penelope , homer also shown women appear in the form of temptresses and  either seduce Odysseus into staying with them such as Goddess Athena, Calypso and Circe. I was shocked to see how goddess Calypso and circe tried to seduce Odysseus, I wonder these Goddess fits in characters of Gods.

While reading  Odyssey freewill and fate will are illustrated,  I found that Odysseus represent free will and God represent fate .However I believe Odysseus is characterized as strong and ambitious man who decide his own fate by going against these Gods. During Odysseus journey after war many God tried to fool Odysseus to reach his destination like Sea God, wind God, circe who tried to stop Odysseus journey . Example Through the sea god Odysseus crew were killed by flood and unable to reach his direction. When Odysseus was about to reach home Calypso try to seduce him and kept him for years , Polyphemus about to eat his friends alive but however I realized  how These god represent Fate in odysseus journey but I was Glad that Odysseus go against his  fate and chose his free will by showing his heroic act by fighting against and not giving up. Through Odysseus journey homer taught me that if you have a will there is way even though fate tried to not achieve your goal. But at the end your action will decide your own destination.

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