Monthly Archives: October 2018

Week 8

When I first read through Odessey, I found little difficult to understand because the way it was written was difficult to understand. The beginning of text line got me in confuse like what exactly the narrator is saying. However I search the background story of Odyssey I found that the story took place in eight century in Greek. I found that odyssey was written by Homer. While reading through the Odyssey I found that there is strong interaction between God and people. I also realised that god protect people from evil things. “We gods had warned him, sent down hermes Argeiphontes, our most observant courier “ (line 25 book 1) To be honest I don’t know who is god speaking to however this lead to believe me that God protect and guides the humans through right path.

In Odyssey from book 1 to 8  I found that the main  protagonist  is  Odysseus , he was the one one who fought among the other greeks heroes at troy and aftermath of war he struggles to return home (Ithaca) . I found that most of  his team died but he left. The another character is also introduce in this text,  a woman named Penelope  is the  wife of  Odysseus ,  Through them I discovered there son Telemachus  Odysseus’s son. An infant when Odysseus left for Troy, Telemachus is about twenty at the beginning of the story. Over all during that time I found there is strong connection between and humans.

week 7

To  be honest I had a little knowledge about baptized . I believe the christian should baptized there child after giving birth. I believe  by some Christians that in the heart of a baptised child faith as a gift or grace from God, as distinct from an act by the person, is made present. however I was surprised  by jesus baptized. I mean when I first read it it was impossible to made me believe that he talk during baptized.t first, even John the Baptist sought to dismiss Jesus’ request for baptism. He said, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” (Matthew 3:14). John recognized Jesus was the spotless Lamb of God  who did not need to be baptized to show His repentance. He then consented after Jesus replied, “Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew 3:1  I was shock reading this  because I don’t  thing so any kids can talk during baptized.  Second,  I believe Jesus’ baptism connected the humanity of Jesus with the rest of humanity. Though He was without sin, He took on the form of a man and identified with human experiences. In Mathew there is many conflict shown out of every conflict I found that when mary is virgin and became pregnant which creates conflict between her husband and herself. I also found that the herod king desperately wants jesus I believe he want to be superior than jesus  that’s why he killed many innocent children when he didn’t found jesus.

week 6

In Matthew seems to be more  easy to understand than Genesis because I found it easier to understand the content of the story and I can connect with the story. In Mathew I believed most of the text is about Jesus era like how , where jesus was born. I found really  interesting because I am not from cristian background but however I little bit understood how christianity spread through jesus, The birth of jesus little surprised me because I found that he was born from virgin mother named mary. (Matthew verse 18 ) however I found that during jesus era,  the society is discipline because I found that when Mary became pregnant without intercourse with her husband joseph he chose not talk in public as he kept secret.St matthew verse 19 .”Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.” By reading this I realised that during that era society view is consider important because if  society knew that marry is virgin people may view  her from negative sights due to this reason I believe her husband chose to kept secret. I believe during that time society knows what is good vs evil. I also  believe that dream are symbolize as path to better destination because when jesus is in mary womb, in the joseph dream angel came and said jesus is  holy ghost and he will save people life in verse 21.  I also found that when child is born the people must baptized there new born child. So, overall I believe dream is represent as messages from god guiding the right path and society norm are must follow by the society people.


While reading bible At first It was kind  of interesting to know how the universe was formed and created. In the beginning of genesis god introduce Adam and eve .After them the story shift to there kids and there grandson. To be honest to understand bible was not easy for me. I have to read a lot. Now after noah God introduce a new character Abram  in bible. he describe Abram  as old man and I realized he has a wife Sarai. In the beginning of Abraham  story I believed god already saw honesty in Abram  eye. Abram was in Haran at age 75 when he got the call from God to leave his home and family behind and follow God into a strange land that He would give him.while reading I realized how he has royalty and worshipped towards God, He believed what ever the God Said. I also Found that he and his wife have to leave there land  to cannon. I think he has a very beautiful wife that why he have to lie to people that Sarai was his sister. However I was little shocked to see Sarai negative sight when she realized her maid had given birth to her son Ishmael. She often jealous of her maid. In the end  God also changed the names of Abram and Sarai. He changed Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah. With these name changes would come changes to Abraham and Sarah’s life. Over I believe Abram character symbolize as faith. that teach us that you should lose your faith.