week 2

While reading RigVeda  I found it very interesting because the question ask by narrator about universe, god, an individual makes me more curious to read Creation of Hymns and Hymn of Man however I was surprised  by different views of both hymns about how universe is created. Honestly I found the creation of hymns tone  is more realistic than hymns of man. In creation of hymns it catches reader attention easily by raising curiosity about nature, individual and universe. In Creation hymns I believe universe was created by unknown  god, In text it state “The creator of hymn is called hiranyagarbha a truly pregnant term”  I also found that hiranyagarbha is Sanskrit word which known as golden egg. I found little interesting when I leant that golden egg separates into two shells and becomes sky, earth and yolk becomes sun while inside the golden egg there is golden embryo which symbolize as God. I think the text explains how the god is main sources of creating universe. However when I read The Hymn of a Man, It confused me because it explains how man sacrifice can lead to creation of universe but after reading many times I found that  Hymn of the Cosmic Man “Purushasukta” explained  that the universe was created out of the parts of the body from  a single cosmic man  “Purusaha” when his body was offered at the sacrifice I believe The four classes  “varnas”  of Indian society also came from his body. After that I found that  the priest “Brahman”  emerged  from the mouth, the warrior from the arms, the peasant  from the thighs, and the servant  “shudra” from the feet. However I found that tone of this text in The Hymn of man is unrealistic  because It is impossible to imagine man having thousand head and hands where as The Creation of Hymn seems to more realistic because I believe any creature at the beginning was formed through mother womb and desire.